Podcasting – The Corporate Communication Solution

Podcasts have been popularized as a personal, effective and engaging method of communication. Whether it be discussions around history, business advice, true crime or spirituality, you can find a podcast for most things that would pique your interest. However, podcasts are not only for entertainment but also for education and business as a corporate communication tool.

WHAT is a corporate podcast?
A corporate podcast is produced by a company for either internal communication; team building, information distribution, training, and onboarding or; for external brand awareness and direct business-to-customer communication.

The nature of these podcasts can be as formal or casual as you want.

WHY start a corporate podcast?
Many employers are starting to harness the power of podcasting to connect with their workers, particularly young employees, who are likely to be avid podcast consumers already. Companies such as Netflix, Penguin Random House, and Spotify, have recognised podcasting as a powerful, and measurable way to reach their employees and customers. 

Podcasting can help you to: 

Reach more of your team
As a manager or business owner it can be cause for concern not knowing whether information is being received, training is being carried out in an engaging manner, or if new recruits are feeling like a well-integrated part of the team. Podcasting elevates your company’s personality and leadership style, refreshing the conventions of traditional corporate communication. 

Remove access barriers
You can help to eliminate access barriers for employees or consumers who have access needs by creating an audio-visual resource. Providing subtitles in the commonly used languages of the consumers of your podcast is a feature that can widen the reach of your company and/or make staff and clients feel included. 

Cut through the email clutter
A disadvantage of the digital age is the inundation of emails that can appear over a short period of time. The cluttered inbox can lead to skim reading and overwhelm. This is where mistakes can occur, tasks can be forgotten, and urgent matters can fall through the cracks. By diversifying how you interact with your employees you can help to increase engagement and awareness. 

Build company culture
Some companies are adapting the podcast model to focus on community building outside of general work practice. A podcast of this nature can be used for discussing current events and how they may impact your work, notifying the team of important company news or simply having a chat about different topics that are relatable to your employees. A company-branded internal podcast can build rapport within your team and offer an opportunity to those enthusiastic team members who are looking to step up in a way that lets their personalities shine.

Streamline staff onboarding & training: video training with a screen capture or PowerPoint.
An audio-visual resource can be used to streamline processes such as staff onboarding and/or training. You can create an engaging introduction to your workspace whilst ensuring that the information communicated is cohesive and delivered with the desired tone.   

Measure your message:
Numbers never lie. Podcasting analytics allow you to track who is listening to your podcast. You can gain valuable insight into what topics gain more traction and use the stats to define the path for your content creation going forward. 

HOW to use a podcast in your company:

Some examples of why companies have started to make use of podcasts:

–          Transitioning the company/personnel during a period of growth

–          As part of a retargeting campaign

–          Build internal motivation and morale

WHO makes podcasts?
We do! Matrix Digital is home to a premium-quality podcast studio in the heart of Wellington. A Matrix Digital podcast can comprise both audio and video recordings. We have a dedicated sound-proofed podcast studio and isolated control room, plus the expertise to get your brief from ideation to completion. You can bring in owners, managers, leaders, or personalities to speak on a topic, relay information, or teach a new skill – you bring the idea and we will make it a reality.

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